Friday, November 23, 2012

Publishing On Kindle: Finding Inspiration

Well, this is it, folks. Today is technically the last day of my virtual blog tour. Tonight, I have a radio interview with the Angels And Warriors show at 9 ET/6 PT in the US, so feel free to call in with questions about BAND GEEK or my writing career.

Meanwhile, I'm continuing to work on Novel No. 2, though I haven't had much time to write this week with Thanksgiving. Not that this was a bad thing since I've spent the past few days with family and friends. I love working from home, but I have a bad habit of working from sunrise until sundown. I need to take more days where I just put work aside and have fun.

My mind is always going, though, so my books were never far from my thoughts. On Wednesday, I went to the city with my friend who is doing a chapter-by-chapter read on my second novel. I know that I'm at least on the right track with my story because he told me that he's really getting into it. Then when I started to share the details of upcoming chapters, he was like, "No, don't tell me. You'll ruin it." This made me feel really good because it said that he was invested enougb in the story that he cares and wants to have something to look forward to.

I also got some more inspiration for my main male character over the weekend. In my story, that character has to make some tough decisions when he goes against his parents' beliefs. I met someone who's had to do this in real life and it was interesting to hear about what he had to go through for real. I'm impressed with his courage and hope that a similar kind of bravery shines through in my character.

It got me thinking that perhaps I should write my book from two points of view. Right now the female is the narrator, as is the case in BAND GEEK, but I'm wondering if I should switch POVs each chapter? I'm not yet sure... but it might be fun to play with that concept. I've read other novels that use that technique, some which work very well and others not so much.

A final reminder: today is the last day that you can sign up for my giveaway of a book, CD and pair of earrings so check into my virtual book tour to do so. And don't forget to read and review REVENGE OF A BAND GEEK GONE BAD!

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