Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Selling An Ebook On Kindle

Writing my novel took 10 years of blood, sweat and tears, but actually selling my book on Kindle is a whole new challenge -- one that is admittedly frustrating so far.

I've had a lot of experience selling my work online. I have a jewelry shop, Naomi's Designs, on Etsy. I write for HubPages, another online enterprise. I sell my CD FLUTE PATH online. And I keep a jewelry blog. So I'm pretty familiar with tags, keywords and basic SEO.

Still, I've had mixed success with it. I've done fairly well in all of these things, but I've never been one of those people who's sold millions and millions of items, either. I'd love to do that with my book, though I'm realistic.

Right now, my book is still very new so it's waayyy in the back of Amazon's search engines. It's so frustrating. I've waited 10 years to see my novel in some form of print .... and now that it finally is, I have to patiently wait for it to be in a place where people can actually FIND my work. I've incorporated all of the SEO -- I've used all of my tags and am pretty secure in the categories for which I chose to place my book. I just have to wait and see. I really wish that I can get at least one good review because that would help a lot. Yes, my book has only been out for a week, but I wish I could jump ahead in time to when it's a big success, LOL.

Seriously, the two things I've learned from working online are a) you have to work really hard to get results. This means blogging, networking, doing whatever you can to get your product out there. And b) You need to be so patient. You won't find success overnight, mainly because it takes a while for your Web pages to get in the system. I'm still working on both!

Please check out and review my novel REVENGE OF A BAND GEEK GONE BAD.

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